Lesson 8. Obedience II: awareness of others

This lesson was better than the last and I think the topics covered and points the author makes are important and hold true. I’ve done the name test with waiters and waitresses often in the past. Everyone likes to hear their name and it get them on your side.

I was able to work and practice this at a recent HOA meeting I attended. It’s has been a while since I had to remember so many names of people I just met. It was a good drill and made the meeting fun for me. I have lost touch with some of those basic communication skills over the last few years and realize I need to refresh and tune them up.

Lesson 7. Obedience I: first steps toward mindfulness

I didn’t get a lot out of this lesson and I did not complete the exercise with the alarm set at 11 minutes past each hour. I simply think it is a waste of time. I have meditated seriously in my life when I was younger and do understand the benefits for meditation probably better than the author.

While I probably sound like a jerk here today, I do want to get back on track as this particular lesson has sort of derailed me.

Getting better when I travel

I’m getting better at working out and making healthier food choices when I travel. It’s sometimes hard to do, at least it is for me when I’m on the road. I did get 3 workouts in last week and one was a super hard workout and was able to eat healthy for the most part. I’m holding at 277 Lbs and back home eating better this week with 4 workouts scheduled.

Back on track

This post is late but, for a good reason. I was on my workout bike ride till almost sunset and then pretty much collapsed when I got home. The good new is I’m back on track headed in the right direction at 280 Lbs and the best news is I can now make it up the steep hill on my ride without stopping. This is a turning point for sure. I’m going to do the Raw meals again this week for six days so let’s see how much that helps for the second week in a row.

Lesson: 6 Expectations: the training contract

The interesting thing about this lesson is the fact it discusses a training contract and not a slave contract, marriage contract or FLR contract. Does training ever stop? Isn’t there always more to learn? Don’t people’s tastes and preferences change over time?

I’ll take a stab at a self agreement as the lesson suggests:

I bestsubsd1 agree starting July 23, 2013 to enter into this agreement to self improve as stated below:

I agree to improve my self-care by exercising more often, a minimum of 5 times per week for at least one hour. I will also improve my diet by eating health meals with more vegetables and fruits and less processed foods as well as reducing my intake of soda to zero with limits on alcohol to no more than three times a month. With the goal of losing 40 Lbs.
I promise to get the proper amount of sleep and add balance to my life by adding more recreation.

I’ve always imagined this would be something my partner and I would work on together in a FLR.

Small set back

This week I.m back to 281 Lbs (ouch!) – this was a hard week with the drive to and from Texas (4 days in a car). I was able to work out once there in the hotel gym but, I ate too much fast food on the drive. I’m looking forward to this week with my 6 day Raw Food Plan and a couple of extra workouts on the schedule. (plus no BEER!) I hope to be back on track by this time next Sunday. Ciao.